Cost of Turnover Calculator
It can be hard to figure out how much it costs your business every time an employee leaves. Enter the information requested below to estimate the financial cost of each employee departure.
Please note that this calculator assumes that benefits and fringes are 15% of salary.
1 Employee Costs
Annual base salary of departing employee
Annual benefits cost (Estimated at 15% of base salary)
Monthly salary + benefits
Daily Salary + Benefits (Based on 230 working days)
2 Separation Costs
Annual salary of person responsible for hiring
Hourly rate of person responsible for hiring
Time in hours to process (e.g., update files, complete exit interview)
Other separation costs (e.g., severance pay, outstanding holidays)
Total Separation Costs:
3 Hiring Costs
Time in hours spent (e.g., screening resumes, conducting interviews)
Selection costs (e.g., job advertising, background check, outsourcing fees)
Total cost to fill a vacant position:
4 Training Costs
Annual salary of person responsible for training
Hourly rate of person responsible for training
Total training hours
Total onboarding and orientation cost:
5 Cost of Employee Ramp-Up Time
Daily employee cost (salary + benefits)
Number of working days before new employees are fully effective (Enter number of days)
Cost of productivity ramp up:
Separation Costs
Hiring Costs
Training Costs
Employee Ramp-Up Time
Estimated turnover cost per employee: